What We Do
We partner with you to help you understand how Diversity and Inclusion can help create opportunities for your organisation. We bring our knowledge and experience to your planning. We guide you as to the most recent research on D&I, neuroscience of engagement and NLP in management. We recommend the tools and approaches that we feel will help you get the best result for your initiative. Ultimately, we know that managing diversity is about managing people and managing their ‘state’. We help you to help your people work towards positive and creative states and working spaces.
What We Do
We partner with you to help you understand how Diversity and Inclusion can help create opportunities for your organisation. We bring our knowledge and experience to your planning. We guide you as to the most recent research on D&I, neuroscience of engagement and NLP in management. We recommend the tools and approaches that we feel will help you get the best result for your initiative. Ultimately, we know that managing diversity is about managing people and managing their ‘state’. We help you to help your people work towards positive and creative states and working spaces.
Our Services
Unconscious Bias
How many things have you done today at an unconscious level?
Over 90% of our daily activity are unconscious habits, attitudes and behaviour.
Most of these habits are useful and productive but some are not and can be destructive.
These unconscious biases can be very damaging when we interact with others particularly in workplace or organisation settings (engagement, teamwork, interviewing, feedback, problem-solving etc).
A great diversity and inclusion initiative will help surface these unconscious biases and will name them.
We help you develop and include Unconscious Bias training in your D&I planning.

Neuroscience of Inclusion
Humans are chemical beings who are designed to survive.
When we feel included an unconscious neurochemical process takes place in our bodies
When that process is positive we get into a creative, productive and inclusive ‘state’.
When we feel excluded a different chemical process takes place (fight or flight) which can create a negative ‘state’ impacting our ability to be creative, inclusive, productive or engaged.
Effective D&I initiatives create positive working cultures, which result in positive states.
For D&I success people need to be aware of how their behaviour, attitudes and thoughts can impact and influence others positively or negatively.
We will help your people to understand how to make positive change using Neuroscience.
The Diversity and Inclusion Matrix
Great organisations can see multiple perspectives and can also make casual connections and links between people and events.
Effective organisations develop a ‘seeing systems’ approach.
Great D&I plans have a clearly communicated ‘why’ and ‘what’ they do what they do.
‘What’ they do is built into every aspect of organisational life (leadership development, competency development, skills development, planning etc).
We help you to create a D&I strategy creates individual and organisational opportunities.

The Diversity Conscious Mindset
Diversity is a fact, Inclusion cannot be assumed and takes energy.
Diversity should be a personal, not abstract issue.
Diversity ‘pushback’ or ‘resistance’ occurs when people feel unacknowledged in D&I initiatives.
Research shows that effective D&I management drives higher levels of engagement and trust.
Diversity consciousness is a ‘way of life’ not a once off initiative.
We will help you to develop diversity consciousness in your people and help turn that consciousness into a business opportunity.
Cultural Mediation
- In a working environment where people from diverse cultures merge it is not unusual for misperceptions, miscommunications, miscommunications and misinterpretations to cause tensions between individuals and teams.
- These tensions can result in complaints and need for formal investigations and legal processes which can be time-consuming, negative and damaging to levels of engagement.
- Our experience is that very often mediation and in particular, cultural mediation can be a very useful and helpful intervention.
- Our mediation process will help create better opportunities for conflict resolution and the maintenance of workplace balance and harmony.

The Diversity Conscious Mindset
Diversity is a fact, Inclusion cannot be assumed and takes energy.
Diversity should be a personal, not abstract issue.
Diversity ‘pushback’ or ‘resistance’ occurs when people feel unacknowledged in D&I initiatives.
Research shows that effective D&I management drives higher levels of engagement and trust.
Diversity consciousness is a ‘way of life’ not a once off initiative.
We will help you to develop diversity consciousness in your people and help turn that consciousness into a business opportunity.
The Intercultural Workplace
What made the German manager get so frustrated in his new international role?
What made the Belgian CFO get so upset at the actions of his Irish based team?
What made the Irish nurse get so frustrated with her Indian colleague.
What caused the police officer to feel that she was being spoken down to?
All these questions are some of the many real workplace situations that we have encountered in D&I work here in Ireland and abroad.
Effective leaders know that you can’t create diverse teams and expect them to ‘get on with it’.
Great D&I initiatives create the understanding necessary for teams to be as effective as possible.
We will help you to create the Merging Cultures opportunity.

Global Relocations
The world of business operates in a global context.
Today’s leaders must be culturally competent and able to lead in international settings
Understanding how to lead and live in a culturally diverse environment can be challenging
The cost of failed relocations can run into five-figure sums
Key reasons for failed expat assignments include personal adjustment, family adjustment, lack of cultural competence and ethnocentric perspectives
We have worked with executives from some of the world’s leading organisations to help make their Expats assignments successful
We will help your leaders to develop as global leaders
Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Diversity
Our thoughts affect our physiologies and ‘states’.
The job of leadership is to help create good states.
The language we use about our workplaces and colleague’s shapes what happens in the space.
We can learn to use language that positively influences ourselves and others.
We can learn to communicate in a positive manner and to create a better understanding.
We can learn to minimise conflict through effective interaction and engagement.
We will help you to understand how NLP training can help create effective engagement and understanding.

Organisations we partner with to help create great programmes
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22, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

22, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.